
Get More Clients With a Better Email Signature

NOTE: the links in this SuccessTip are fictitious and for illustrative purposes only. You probably use a basic email signature that includes your name, firm name, address, phone and fax numbers, email address, and website URL – one that looks something like this:

Evelyn Smith Sanders, Smith & Lofton, LLP
123 Main Street  Suite 902
Pittsburgh, PA 15204
P: (505) 152-1520
F: (505) 123-1234

If that’s all you’re including, however, you’re missing a powerful opportunity to market yourself and attract more clients. Think about it: email is likely to be your most frequently-used tool to communicate with the rest of the world. Yet few attorneys use it to full effect. If you’re like most attorneys, you’re making two faulty assumptions:

  1. That other lawyers actually understand what kind of cases you want, and
  2. that they have you at the top of their minds when your kind of case crosses their desk for a potential referral.

A better email signature can help correct this situation by informing your email recipients (whether prospective referral source or prospective client) who it is that you seek to serve, and by enticing them to visit your site. Here, then, are two important upgrades for your signature:

  1. Add a descriptive phrase (otherwise known as a tagline) that states what you do for your target client or the types of cases you handle – for example: “Protecting the rights of employees throughout Virginia” or “Solving complex construction disputes.” Note: if you have more than one major practice focus, you can rotate your messages, say, quarterly.
  2. Link to a page of interest on your website or your blog, such as a checklist, article, resource link, or FAQs page – for example, include a clickable link such as “State-of-the-Art Due Diligence: Find Out How Your Policy Stacks Up HERE” or “Check out a list of employees’ most frequently asked questions at” This link, too, can be changed or updated periodically.

Evelyn’s new signature:

Evelyn Smith Sanders, Smith & Lofton, LLP
Criminal Defense Attorneys
123 Main Street  Suite 902
Pittsburgh, PA 15204
P: (505) 152-1520
F: (505) 123-1234
Representing individuals and businesses accused of fraud and financial crimes.
Be Prepared. Read our Internal Investigations Primer here.

About the Author

Bill Jawitz, Law Firm Coach and Consultant

Bill Jawitz has been coaching lawyers to become more profitable and enjoy a higher quality of life since 2002.

He can be reached at or at 203.806.1300.

I maintain a deep library of hundreds of best-of-breed checklists, templates, guides, and white papers on every aspect of managing a legal practice and law firm, from lawyer marketing plans, to hiring process checklists, to alternative fee engagement letters.

If you need a quick resource, call me. I’ll send you what I have on the topic free of charge with no strings.

Call for a free consultation (203) 806-1300

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