All SuccessTips

How FOMO Hurts Attorneys

The acronym FOMO – the Fear of Missing Out – refers to a type of social anxiety in which a person feels that they’re missing an important experience or opportunity. The term was coined about 15 years ago by a marketing consultant, Dan Herman, who was studying the implications of …Read More

Getting Real About Your Time-to-Task Estimates

An extremely common source of stress on the job is largely self-inflicted: the chronic underestimation of how long a task will take. Whether it’s a routine motion you have to draft, a “touch-base” meeting with a partner or staff member, a quick call with a client, or cleaning up your …Read More

Tap Your Alumni Networks and Get New Business

Here’s a BFO (a Blinding Flash of the Obvious): attorneys who are great at lawyer marketing tend to value social networks. Whether an inborn trait or a learned behavior, they regularly take advantage of opportunities to get to know – and become known by – lots of people. And one …Read More

Which Type of Procrastination is Easier to Overcome?

As a species, we humans either move toward pleasure or away from pain. Reductionist as that might sound, it nonetheless explains a huge portion of our behavior. And it is quite helpful in understanding the scourge of procrastination. My time management coaching with lawyers confirms what the research shows: there …Read More

Use Surprise Thank You Notes to Grow Your Law Practice

It’s human nature to appreciate receiving thanks for something you’ve done for someone. A referral source who sends you a desirable client, of course, should be thanked immediately. But, whether or not you thanked them at the time, a surprise thank you long after the good deed can have an …Read More

Which Do You Do Under Pressure: RESPOND or REACT?

The very first moment you’re confronted with a challenging situation – that very first instant of recognition – presents a potent but rarely appreciated opportunity to orient yourself in a more effective way than you otherwise might. Whether it’s a relatively minor challenge such as another interruption from an important-but-prickly …Read More

Use This Daily Planning Checklist and Get More Done

I have to handle the Smith motion by tomorrow. I gotta get to my pre-bills this week. I need to get back to Susan Client with that amendment I promised her. Sound familiar? Those are the kinds of time management-related phrases we say to ourselves all day long. And while …Read More

Use These 30 Questions with Prospects and Get Hired More Often

In the 10 years that I’ve been coaching attorneys to grow their books of business, this barrier to successful client development has come up countless times, whether in conversation or on their website bio pages: namely, the tendency to talk too quickly about themselves – their practice areas, their credentials, …Read More

I maintain a deep library of hundreds of best-of-breed checklists, templates, guides, and white papers on every aspect of managing a legal practice and law firm, from lawyer marketing plans, to hiring process checklists, to alternative fee engagement letters.

If you need a quick resource, call me. I’ll send you what I have on the topic free of charge with no strings.

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