
People Are Happy To Help –- But You Have To Ask

Aside from poor time management, one of the main reasons attorneys don’t get the help they want or need to improve their practice management is because they simply don’t ask for it.

Why?  We usually don’t ask because we’re embarrassed or insecure at some level. Fortunately, all it takes to begin changing this internal dialog is the simple awareness that it’s our pride getting in the way. Think of a few things with which you’d like help and whom you can ask for that help.

For example, your accountant can teach you how to use your firm’s financial reports to save money. Or your satisfied clients can assist you by introducing you to their peers. Or your legal assistant can take an active role in helping you to become more organized.

More than likely, they’ll be happy to assist. Just ask them.

About the Author

Bill Jawitz, Law Firm Coach and Consultant

Bill Jawitz has been coaching lawyers to become more profitable and enjoy a higher quality of life since 2002.

He can be reached at or at 203.806.1300.

I maintain a deep library of hundreds of best-of-breed checklists, templates, guides, and white papers on every aspect of managing a legal practice and law firm, from lawyer marketing plans, to hiring process checklists, to alternative fee engagement letters.

If you need a quick resource, call me. I’ll send you what I have on the topic free of charge with no strings.

Call for a free consultation (203) 806-1300

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