
Don’t Let the “When/Then” Trap Hold You Back

February 15, 2015

One the most effective ways we keep from taking action that would otherwise be good for us is by succumbing to the trap of “when/then” thinking. It’s rooted in our emotions (often the emotion of fear), but we experience it in our heads through the internal dialog we have when confronted …Read More

Three Reasons to Purge Your Printed Clutter Today

February 1, 2015

Most attorneys keep vastly more printed material in and on their desks and cabinets than they need to. Even prior to the advent of the net, it was tempting to save too much paper-based information. You know the script in your head: “I might want to look that up someday.” …Read More

Here’s What Your Potential Clients Are Thinking About You

January 15, 2015

Every couple of years, I recommend one of my all-time-favorite lawyer marketing articles: it’s called How Clients Choose, by David Maister, and you can – no, you should – read it here. Though 25 years old, it remains the gold standard summary of what prospective clients experience while they’re sitting …Read More

High-Achiever? Stop Beating Yourself Up

January 1, 2015

Much has been written about “the lawyer personality” and “the lawyer mind” – about how they’re more analytical, more introverted than the general population.  Here’s one quality of many attorneys that’s a real double-edged sword. “Locus of control” (LOC) refers to our basic belief about whether the outcomes of our …Read More

Desk Yoga for Busy Lawyers = More Energy, Less Stress

December 29, 2014

To perform at your best, whether you’re on trial, drafting an important document under pressure, or interacting with clients and staff, you need have as much energy as possible throughout the day — both mentally and physically. Think about it: your blood and brain need the right amount of oxygen …Read More

The Calendaring Technique That Improves Your Life

December 15, 2014

Do you trust your daily calendar to help you manage your day effectively? Many attorneys don’t. Often there’s just not enough information in the item entry to plan properly. Or they think that crunch-booking will let them get more done. Some are so used to seeing back-to-back appointments without prep …Read More

Get More Clients With a Better Email Signature

December 1, 2014

NOTE: the links in this SuccessTip are fictitious and for illustrative purposes only. You probably use a basic email signature that includes your name, firm name, address, phone and fax numbers, email address, and website URL – one that looks something like this: Evelyn Smith Sanders, Smith & Lofton, LLP …Read More

4 Steps to Get Paid Faster

December 1, 2014

Making collection calls to clients is never fun – and it doesn’t feel good for us or for them. Yet effective billing and collections is a cornerstone of effective law practice management. Here are four steps you can take to improve the cash flow in your law practice and improve …Read More

The Rainmaker’s Magic Ratio

November 17, 2014

As an attorney, you make your living by using words confidently. Individuals and corporations pay you to give advice and to be right. It’s understandable, then, if you’re guilty of violating the Golden Rule of Business Development: Listen at least twice as much as you talk. But the sooner you …Read More

The “Success” Behaviors You Should STOP Doing Today

November 15, 2014

Successful people take action, right?  Leaders apply certain principals to get results.  Top performers do certain things to rise above the pack.  Successful law firm leaders tend to excel at rainmaking and/or practice management. Indeed, when we think about successful people, we naturally think about the things they do that …Read More

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