Technology Tips

How FOMO Hurts Attorneys

The acronym FOMO – the Fear of Missing Out – refers to a type of social anxiety in which a person feels that they’re missing an important experience or opportunity. The term was coined about 15 years ago by a marketing consultant, Dan Herman, who was studying the implications of …Read More

Getting Real About Your Time-to-Task Estimates

An extremely common source of stress on the job is largely self-inflicted: the chronic underestimation of how long a task will take. Whether it’s a routine motion you have to draft, a “touch-base” meeting with a partner or staff member, a quick call with a client, or cleaning up your …Read More

Tap Your Alumni Networks and Get New Business

Here’s a BFO (a Blinding Flash of the Obvious): attorneys who are great at lawyer marketing tend to value social networks. Whether an inborn trait or a learned behavior, they regularly take advantage of opportunities to get to know – and become known by – lots of people. And one …Read More

Which Type of Procrastination is Easier to Overcome?

As a species, we humans either move toward pleasure or away from pain. Reductionist as that might sound, it nonetheless explains a huge portion of our behavior. And it is quite helpful in understanding the scourge of procrastination. My time management coaching with lawyers confirms what the research shows: there …Read More

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