Growing Personally & Professionally

Which Type of Procrastination is Easier to Overcome?

As a species, we humans either move toward pleasure or away from pain. Reductionist as that might sound, it nonetheless explains a huge portion of our behavior. And it is quite helpful in understanding the scourge of procrastination. My time management coaching with lawyers confirms what the research shows: there …Read More

Which Do You Do Under Pressure: RESPOND or REACT?

The very first moment you’re confronted with a challenging situation – that very first instant of recognition – presents a potent but rarely appreciated opportunity to orient yourself in a more effective way than you otherwise might. Whether it’s a relatively minor challenge such as another interruption from an important-but-prickly …Read More

Don’t Let the “When/Then” Trap Hold You Back

One the most effective ways we keep from taking action that would otherwise be good for us is by succumbing to the trap of “when/then” thinking. It’s rooted in our emotions (often the emotion of fear), but we experience it in our heads through the internal dialog we have when confronted …Read More

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